
Today we have the final report from the California study abroad program, kindly written by IU.

This is the fourth report from our students who went to study abroad in California. This time it is the turn of HM to give us the details.

国際英語学科2年のNTです。現地レポートの第2弾を作成しましたので、こちらから報告いたします。As NT has written, this is the second report from California on what is turning out t...

The first report from our students who are studying abroad in California comes from NM. The students arrived safely, toured the big campus for the first time, and met their ho...

Nearing the end of the second semester is a great time to reflect on what our students have done during the year and to understand the opportu...


Our students have had a fantastic time in Canada! As we approach Christmas, MA sent us the following report and wonderful Christmassy photos.


The study abroad program in Canada is a great opportunity for our students. Here is the second report on Canadian life from one of our students. Please read on to hear about Thanksgiving, birthday parties and campfires.
