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Study Abroad Report and Seminar Explanation Day〜今年度の振り返りと新しい年度にむけて(留学と卒業研究)〜

2025.01.27 留学 海外研修 英語系

Nearing the end of the second semester is a great time to reflect on what our students have done during the year and to understand the opportunities available to them in the following year. Two of the important opportunities for students are study abroad and detailed study in a small-group seminar with the teacher of their choice.

The Department of International English held an explanation day for students about these two opportunities. First, students who had studied abroad this year made presentations about their experiences. It was great for those who have not yet studied abroad to learn about the excitement, the challenges, and the sense of achievement in completing a study abroad program.

Students who went to Canada for four months presented about their experiences

One of our exchange program participants spent time in Tennessee, USA

Another of our exchange program students experienced life in Ohio, USA

The students reports were fascinating and gave us a glimpse into their experiences. After the students had finished their reports it was the turn of the teachers in the department to explain their seminar themes. Students study "Academic Research" for two years starting in their third year, and this study culminates in a written graduation thesis. Students get to choose from a variety of academic fields that include language, culture, literature, education, and global studies. It is important to make a wise choice, so this is an important session for the students. Teachers are, of course, available for individual interviews with potential seminar students if they feel they need to know just a little bit more.

So, the end of the academic year is nearly upon us, but we are already looking forward to the 2025 academic year, and the opportunities that it holds for students and teachers alike.
