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【KEG Class Profile(授業紹介)】Global Village Field Experience in 2022:PartⅡ

2022.11.16 授業紹介 海外研修

8月9日~27日まで、国際英語学科GSEコースの1年生4名が「Global Village Field Experience」をベトナムで実施しました。

Next, TN will tell us about her experiences.

Over two weeks in Vietnam, we studied so many things related to community and sustainable development- too many to explain here. However, there are some key things we learned that will help us with our studies over the next three years, and maybe our whole lives. Firstly, we learned the importance of the community. When we were in Vietnam, we went to a special classroom where the teacher was a farmer, and where we learned about the life of the people there. The farmer hadn't been to university but they had so much experience, helping us to learn about things such as organic farms, building connections between local people, and how to use assets that the community has. Local Vietnamese people inspired us to think about the community in a different way, and motivated us to think about projects we can do here in Hiroshima. Through this fieldwork, we also were able to grow a network of people by making friends with people from Vietnam and the United States. We spent quite a short time together, but made deep friendships that will last a long time. Our friendship is also an example of asset-based community development. We studied and exchanged cultures with each other, which made the community become bigger and develop.

TN remembers the last meal she shared with the whole group.

Next, we hear from YY.

Throughout this fieldwork, we learned many skills such as how to interview, different ways of thinking, things about Hoi An and Go-Co, and how to conduct a project by working with the local people. Among those, we struggled with the interviewing the most. Instead of interviewing about what they need help with, we interviewed in a positive way, asking about things such as their long-term goals, and this allowed us to understand their aims, their weaknesses, and the assets of that person or a place. In the future, if there is a chance to interview someone, we would like to use this method of interviewing. In addition, almost all the time we were in Vietnam we had discussions, and of course, it was all in English, but there were some things we learned from discussing with the American and Vietnamese students. In the future, we would like to gain more knowledge and higher English skills and see things in different ways. In other words, to be open-minded. We hope that our experience in Vietnam will be alive in our studies and lives.

The beautiful nature and colors of Vietnam stay in our memories

There are many other opportunities to travel and learn abroad here at HJU, as well as classes where you can learn about topics such as culture and sustainable development. Thank you to the four students for sharing their experiences, and we're looking forward to hearing more about KEG classes and events in the future!

The sun sets on the last day in the beautiful village of Go-Co.

Global Village Field Experience in 2022:PartⅠ