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【KEG Class Profile(授業紹介)】Global Village Field Experience in 2022:PartⅠ

2022.11.11 授業紹介 海外研修

8月9日~27日まで、国際英語学科GSEコースの1年生4名が「Global Village Field Experience Ⅰ」をベトナムで実施しました。

Global Village Field Experience I is a course offered at HJU in which students learn about development, and then attend a fieldwork experience in South East Asia during the summer. In this fieldwork, they have a chance to build on what they learn in the classroom by working with students from Vietnamese and US universities, as well as a range of local community members and other partners. In this article, we hear from four HJU freshmen who have now returned from the summer fieldwork, and ask them to share some information about their experiences.
(Global Village Field Experience Ⅰ は、広島女学院大学で開講されている科目で、前期に開発について学び、夏休みに東南アジアでのフィールドワークに参加します。 このフィールドワークでは、ベトナムやアメリカからの大学生のみならず、現地のコミュニティーの人たちやさまざまな関係者と活動することで、前期の授業で学んだことを活かす機会があります。この記事では、フィールドワークに参加したGSEコースの4名の1年生に体験を語ってもらいました。)

Students from the US, Japan and Vietnam work together to gather their ideas about what they have learned from local farmers during fieldwork

First, we hear from AF, who will talk about the time spent in Da-Nang and Hoi-An.

As soon as we arrived in Vietnam, we visited Da Nang and spent the day relaxing. We enjoyed swimming in the sea, and after that, we met the American university students and moved on to Hoi An by bus. During the bus trip, we introduced ourselves to each other. At Hoi An old town, we did a scavenger hunt. In that activity, we mixed in with students from the other university and worked in teams. After we met the Vietnamese students, our activity began in earnest. During group activities, we worked together. For instance, we visited farms and asked some questions related to ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development). After the interview, we summarized, mapped, and made presentations to share what we learned with others. Of course, the local people there speak Vietnamese, so the group members of Vietnamese students helped us by translating what the local people said.
(ベトナム到着後、ダナンに移動して1日過ごしました。海で泳いだり、ホテルの周辺を観光した後、アメリカの学生と合流し、バスでホイアンに移動しました。バスでの移動中はお互いに自己紹介をして過ごしました。ホイアンの旧市街では、広島女学院大学の学生1人とアメリカの学生2人で編成された3人組のグループで"scavenger hunt"(一覧表にあるものを、お金をかけずに探して集めたり実行したりするゲーム)を行いました。ベトナムの学生と合流し、いよいよ本格的に私たちの研修が始まりました。研修中は主にグループで活動しました。そこでの活動内容は、農園に行き、ABCD(Asset-Based Community Developmentの略語で、地域資源を基盤としたコミュニティ開発の意)に関する質問をするというものでした。質問をした後は、教わったことをまとめ、マッピングをし、そして発表をしてお互いの学びを共有しました。もちろん現地の方々はベトナム語で説明をしてくださるため、それぞれのグループにいるベトナム人学生に通訳してもらっていました。)

AF proudly shows the pot she was taught to make by a local community member

Next let's hear from RP, who will talk about the time spent in Go-Co village.
(次は、GoCo villageで過ごしたことについてR.P.さんが教えてくれました。

After Hoi-An, we moved to Go-Co and were greeted with a kind and heartfelt welcome from the community. We stayed with our host families whom we appreciated and experienced a 100% Vietnamese lifestyle. In the mornings, we have class as usual with more learning about the community and its people. Our challenge in Go-Co was to build a project for the community so to be able to gather ideas from them we had to interview the community. We made sure to use the ABCD method to learn more about the community and we became more familiar with them and their lives through speaking with them. It was our honour to learn so much not just about their lifestyle but the hidden culture and traditions within the community. After classes, which ended in the afternoon, we had a wonderful time on the beach hanging out, relaxing and swimming. Additionally, each day, we woke up early to catch the sunrise on the beach. We have never appreciated sunrises more than we did in Go-Co. On our last evening, we presented our project ideas to the community, and it was fantastic to see their opinions and reactions.

RP and her teammates proudly display the results of their research with the community.

Global Village Field Experience in 2022:PartⅡ