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2025.02.06 授業紹介 キャリア・スタディ・プログラム 英語系
【KEG class profile】学外企業展で企業の強みを発見・発信〜キャリア・スタディ・プログラムⅢ〜


2025.01.27 留学 海外研修 英語系
Study Abroad Report and Seminar Explanation Day〜今年度の振り返りと新しい年度にむけて(留学と卒業研究)〜

Nearing the end of the second semester is a great time to reflect on what our students have done during the year and to understand the opportu...

2025.01.20 授業紹介 英語系
【KEG class profile】 Academic Research 4 - Graduation thesis and presentation(卒業論文と発表)

2024.12.24 授業紹介 英語系
【KEG class profile】 Academic Research 2 - a seminar class conducted in English(ゼミでの卒業研究活動)

Towards the end of the second year of study, students in the Department of International English listen to short teacher talks about seminar cla...

2024.11.21 英語系
Ayamesai Festival Fun

The annual HJU Ayamesai has just been held and the Department of International English were very active on campus. The weather was really good for most of the day and the visitors were treated to food and drink, music and dance, and laughter and smiles all around. The...

2024.10.11 英語系
国際英語学科教員が一部翻訳した『バーナード・ショー戯曲集 下』が出版されました!

2024.10.02 英語系
KEG STARS - Congratulations to all award winners! ~目標の英語スコアアップ達成~

In September we hand out the latest STARS certificates to our students. Students in the Department of International English are awarded STARS certificates based on their score...

2024.09.24 授業紹介 英語系
Global Internship〜平和活動のインターンシップ〜 #2

Students of the Department of International English at Hiroshima Jogakuin University have many different opportunities to gain experiences outside of campus. In this report, we hear from one such student, who has just complet...

2024.09.04 海外研修 英語系
2024年度カナダ留学〜Departure for Canada〜


2024.08.26 英語系
Final Open Campus for 2024 summer


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