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Global Internship〜平和活動のインターンシップ〜 #1

2024.08.22 授業紹介 英語系

At HJU, classroom learning is important, but we also encourage students to join off-campus activities. In the GSE Internship class, for example, we study why hands-on learning is important for global citizenship. This year, two students from the Department of International English will intern at the World Friendship Center, a peace organization in Hiroshima. I asked them to tell us about what we do in the classroom and their experiences visiting the organization.
広島女学院大学では、教室での学習も重要ですが、学外での活動にも参加することを奨励しています。例えば、GSE Internshipの授業では、グローバルな社会に生きる現代人にとっての体験学習の重要性を学びます。今年も国際英語学科の2名の学生が、広島の平和団体「ワールド・フレンドシップ・センター」でインターンシップを行いました。2人の学生に授業内容や実習の様子について話してもらいました。

KEG Students Volunteering with the WFC   WFCでボランティア活動を行う学生たち

First, we hear from TN:

Last year, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Hiroshima International Festival with the World Friendship Center. It was a great experience to work with local people and hear their stories about the WFC. I also had many valuable chances to study peace and learn about the Hibakusha in Hiroshima, which reminded me of Vietnamese survivors and the Vietnam War. This experience motivated me to learn more about peace and history in Hiroshima, which are the main reasons I chose this internship at the WFC. At the beginning of this course, we had classes where we read books about the WFC and gained knowledge about the organization. The story of Barbara Reynolds, the founder, inspired me greatly, and I hope that after this internship, I can continue to build my relationship with this organization and continue to learn about Hiroshima and peace.  Furthermore, I was able to gain work experience in an international and professional environment, which I believe will greatly assist me in my job search in my upcoming fourth year.
昨年、ワールド・フレンドシップ・センター(WFC)の広島国際フェスティバルでボランティアをする機会がありました。地元の人たちと一緒に働き、WFCについての話を聞くことができたのは素晴らしい経験でした。広島の被爆者の話を聞いたり平和について学んだりする貴重な機会が多くあり、私の祖国のベトナムの被爆者やベトナム戦争を思い出しました。この経験は、私がWFCでのインターンシップを選んだ主な理由である、広島の平和と歴史についてもっと学びたいという意欲に繋がりました。事前の授業では、WFCについての本を読み、組織についての知識を得ました。創設者であるバーバラ・レイノルズの話は、私にインスピレーションを与えてくれました。このインターンシップの後も、この組織との関係を築き、広島と平和について学び続けたいと思います。 さらに、国際的かつ専門的な環境で職務経験を積むことができたので、4年次の就職活動に大いに役立つと思います。

TN & RP Working on their project

Next, we hear from RP:

During our internship, we are working on a project involving the testimony of a survivor named Abe Shizuko, who will share her story at the upcoming event. We are using her story to create a timeline for our research, showing where Abe-san went both before and after the Hiroshima atomic bomb was dropped. We have read her story and are currently working on digital mapping and designing posters for the August 6th event. Although we are facing challenges in developing this map, we are hopeful about the outcome, knowing that it will help us build valuable skills for the future.

I’d like to thank both of our students for sharing their thoughts and experiences, and of course, the World Friendship Center, for giving them a great chance to build on their classroom learning through these valuable experiences.

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