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U.S.-Japan Council Storytelling Event〜日系アメリカ人と移民について学びました

2022.02.14 英語系

The U.S.-Japan Council is an organization that is committed to many kinds of economic, political and social projects that strengthen the relationship between the United States and Japan. Recently, one of their programs has been the 'Japanese American Storytelling Program' (JASP), which speaks to audiences in both Japan and the United States about a range of issues, especially history, diversity, empathy, and connections between the two countries.
(米日カウンシルは、日本とアメリカの関係性をより深めるために、経済的、政治的、社会的なプロジェクトに色々な形で取り組んでいる組織です。近年、このカウンシルのメンバーにより、"Japanese American Storytelling Program"(JASP、「日系アメリカ人ストーリーテリング・プログラム」)がその一環として生まれ、主に歴史、多様性、共感、そして二国間の繋がりなど、多岐にわたることがらについて、日本とアメリカ両方の国民に向けて話をする機会を設けています。)

Recently, some Global Studies in English course (GSE) students were very lucky to be invited to an interactive session hosted by James Minamoto. Joining us online, he gave an engaging and interesting class, entitled 'Resilence'. In this story, we follow the life of a Japanese-American girl, who leaves Hiroshima for the United States, is forced back to Japan, but eventually, returns to the United States. In the course of her life, she faces challenges that are difficult to imagine, and throughout the lecture, students answered questions, explained their own feelings, and tried to put themselves in the shoes of others.
(先日、Global Studies in English(GSE)コースの学生がJASPのジェームズ・ミナモト氏の主催するインタラクティブセッションに招待される機会に恵まれました。オンラインで開催されたそのセッションで、ミナモト氏は「レジリエンス (立ち直る力)」と題し、興味深く、魅力的な講義をしてくださいました。講義の中で、ある日系人の少女が広島からアメリカに渡り、日本に強制的に連れ戻されるも最終的にはアメリカに戻ったという話を聞きました。彼女はその人生において想像もつかないような苦難に直面するのですが、レクチャーに参加した学生は質問に答えたり、自らの考えを説明したり、相手と同じ目線に立とうとしていました。)

The JASP Program is part of the work of the U.S.-Japan Council.

I asked Mr Minamoto if he would share his motivations for this program, and how he felt about the session here at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.

"I thoroughly enjoyed presenting the story of my mother's challenges and resilience to the GSE students, as well as discussing their insightful questions and comments. Through our Japanese American Storytelling Program, we try to pass on positive messages to university students all throughout Japan - the future leaders of the country. Thank you for giving us this wonderful opportunity."

The students themselves did a good job of engaging with difficult topics and showed empathy and deep reflection when asked questions. I asked one of the students to share her perspective on the seminar:

"I liked how the speaker told us about the story. The message of the story can be clearly felt, and some parts I could easily relate to my own life, which impressed me greatly. I know how it feels when other people treat us differently. When I feel like giving up, I remember that life isn't always rainbows and butterflies and that there must be rain sometimes, and we must try to move on and always try our best. After this seminar, I will be more motivated, and I want to be strong, like the speaker's mother was, in facing challenges".

Through images and our speaker's skill, students could come to understand the experience of the real people in the story.

In the GSE course, we are always trying to connect topics in the classroom with the real world. Through real-life stories and the generosity of Mr Minamoto and his colleagues in the JASP program of the U.S.-Japan Council, we had an enjoyable afternoon. Thank you!