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STARS Program - aiming high in English!

2020.04.23 英語系

The Department of International English (KEG) has recently introduced our STARS Program. The program is a comprehensive English language learning support system. It encourages KEG students to use the many excellent learning opportunities available to them (both on and off campus) and aim high in public English language tests such as TOEIC and Eiken.

Students aim first for 3 STARS, equivalent to TOEIC 500 or Eiken Level 2. Then it is onwards and upwards to 4 STARS with a score of TOEIC 600, before aiming for the top level of 5 STARS and a TOEIC 800 score or Eiken Level Pre-1.
まず学生たちは、TOEIC 500または英検2級に相当する星3つを目指します。その後、星4つ(TOEIC 600に相当)、そして最も高い評価の星5つではTOEIC 800または英検準一級を目指します。

So what are the elements of the STARS program? The flyer below shows details of each element: Step-up English, Total Seminar Support, Active English Lessons, Real English and Study Abroad.
それでは、このSTARSプログラムの詳細をご紹介しましょう。下の案内にもある通りこのSTARSという名称は、5つのポイントを表す英語(Step-up English, Total Seminar Support, Active English Lessons, Real English and Study Abroad)の頭文字をとったものです。

We are really pleased about how many students have made impressive strides in a short space of time. And what's more, our students are really satisfied with each of the five elements of the STARS Program. So, our message to all our new students is - use the wonderful KEG support system; take advantage of HJU's small class sizes; and join the ranks of students who can get one of our splendid KEG STARS certificates. Go for it!