Getting ready for study abroad〜カナダ留学に向けての準備〜
2024.07.08 留学 海外研修
Lots of students take the opportunity to study abroad. After all, it is perhaps a once in a lifetime opportunity. The students in the Department of International English get prepared for study abroad in a variety of ways.
The first of these ways is by taking preparation classes. These classes include the preparation of documentation necessary for travel, learning about their host institution abroad, getting tips for study and life abroad, and also some language lessons that focus on the language skills necessary for study abroad and the homestay environment.
Students enjoying a homestay English language session in a teacher's office
The students also have the opportunity to meet their senpai, those that took part in the same study abroad experience the previous year. These students can answer all the questions that those going this year want to ask. They are the experts and they pass on their stories to their kouhai in an informal, relaxed get-together.
A relaxed get-together of senpai and kouhai study abroad students (with snacks and refreshments)
An event to wish the students well on their travels and during their stay abroad is also held. The HJU president makes a speech, giving the students his tips for an important episode in their lives.
President Mitani wishing the students well - bon voyage - at the beautiful HJU award-winning chapel
After this, there is a chance for the students who are studying abroad to meet a representative of the host institution abroad. This is another opportunity to find out even more information and settle any nerves.
A lunchtime get-together with staff from Okanagan College, Canada
And then, of course, there are the final preparations. Getting ready for study abroad, packing suitcases and saying goodbyes. Next step is to board the plane, and head on an exciting trip to discover a new culture and make lifelong memories. Have a good trip. See you all soon!