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Students Volunteer at the World Friendship Center 'Friends Day'〜平和活動団体NPOでのインターンシップ〜

2022.07.29 英語系

Hiroshima is, as I am sure readers know, a hub for peace organizations and activists from throughout the world. One of the oldest local organizations is the World Friendship Center (WFC), which was founded in 1965 by Barbara Reynolds. GSE students have been doing internships at this organization for some time now.
(広島は、世界においても平和活動の中心と言える場所です。その広島において最も古い平和活動の団体が、ワールド・フレンドシップ・センター (WFC)です。1965年にバーバラ・レイノルズ氏によって設立されました。この夏、WFCでGSEコースの学生がインターンシップを行います。)

As GSE students learn in our classes, the community is all about developing relationships. For this reason, events such as 'Friends Day' are a really valuable opportunity to build and maintain friendships with local people. I asked three students from the Department of International English here at HJU about their experiences volunteering there last weekend. So, let's see what they've been up to!

(今回、国際英語学科の3名の学生が、インターンシップの一環として'Friends Day'というイベントで、地域の人々と交流する貴重な経験を持つことができました。参加した学生に話を聞きました。)

HJU Volunteers at the end of a busy but exciting day

In the GSE Internship class, I was introduced to the chance to do an internship this summer at the WFC. In our class, we learned how making a contribution to the community is an important part of experiential learning. I'm looking forward to my internship this August, but this weekend was a very valuable experience, too. By communicating with the WFC about their needs, we worked to design a banner that could be used at the event. People really liked the banner, and to see our work being used in practice gave us a sense of achievement. Setting up and helping at the event was also a lot of fun, and by rewarding donors with souvenirs, I could meet and talk with a lot of people, who seemed pleased that some of the younger generation are becoming interested in peace and getting active in the community. (PS)
(WFCでこの夏インターンシップを行う機会に恵まれました。事前準備の授業では、コミュニティと関わることの重要性を学びました。この'Friends Day'のイベントでは、WFCの方々と話し合いながら、イベントで使う垂れ幕をデザインしました。参加者の皆さんがこの垂れ幕を誉めてくださり、大きな達成感を味わうことができました。イベントは準備も楽しく、本番でも参加者へのお土産を渡したりする際に、多くの人と話す機会がありました。そこで皆さんが、若い世代の人が平和に興味を持ち、コミュニティで活動していることを喜んでくださいました。(P.S.さん))

PS is ready to welcome donations with her new friend

I've made a lot of friends through volunteering at Open Campus with other KEG students, where I learned that helping to organize and run events can be a positive experience. So, I was really excited to join Friends Day. I was able to use English to communicate with many different people. I spoke with and even played games with a lot of people I wouldn't otherwise meet. Setting up was busy, but when the event was a success, we could feel proud. We even got a round of applause for our efforts! Some participants told me that the participation of our youth gave them energy, and it made me realize that we, our youth, can have a lot to contribute as well. I'm looking forward to taking part in more events in the future.
(私は、これまで大学のオープンキャンパスで学生スタッフとして活動したことで、イベントの準備をして実施することの面白さに気づきました。'Friends Day'では、英語で多くの人と話し、この機会がなければ出会わなかった人たちとゲームをしたりしました。準備は大変でしたが、イベントがうまくいって誇りに思いますし、皆さんからも良い評価を得られて嬉しく思いました。参加者の方から、若い世代がこのようなイベントに加わることで活力をもらえるといった言葉をいただき、私たち若い世代にもできることがあることに気づきました。こうしたイベントにこれからも携わっていきたいと思います。(T.T.さん))

TT and DT helping to welcome friends

As PS mentioned, we were involved in designing the banner, and to do so, we had to learn about the WFC, and what their values are. This helped to connect what we learn in classes with the 'real world'. When we helped set up, we made a new friend, who had come from the United States and had previously been an intern at the WFC. Moreover, we met so many people who had been involved with the WFC and peace for some time, including some kind ladies who used to be students at HJU! Building relationships and learning by helping the community were real positives for me.

The new WFC directors, with the student-designed banner in the background(HJUの学生がデザインした垂れ幕)

I want to say thank you to the WFC for all the support, friendship, and kindness they have shown our students. At the end of the event, although they were tired, the students mentioned that they had realized that peace isn't just an academic idea, but something that exists in the many individual friendships that people make. They seem to have made a lot of friends, and made a little difference, too. Well done to the students from KEG!

I am much shorter than the new WFC directors, which seemed to make the students very happy