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【KEG Class Profile(授業紹介)】Global Village Field Experience Ⅰ: GSE Students Heading to Global Village in Vietnam

2022.07.22 授業紹介 海外研修

今回は、まもなく出発する夏の海外研修の1つ、Global Village Field Experience(GVFE)Ⅰについて、事前授業で行っている準備の様子や学生の声をお伝えします(先日実施した「保護者対象説明会」の様子はこちら)。

1st year GSE (Global Studies in English) students are currently busy getting ready to join the GVFE fieldwork, which will be held in Vietnam during August. In the fieldwork, we will be joining students from universities in Vietnam and the United States and visiting a variety of different places, to learn about the local culture and the importance of community development.
(Global Studies in English(GSE)コースの1年生は、8月に行うベトナムでのGVFEフィールドワークに向けて準備に邁進しています。このフィールドワークでは、ベトナムとアメリカから参加する大学生と共に、さまざまな場所を訪問し、現地の文化とコミュニティ開発について学びます。)

Interviewing community members is a core skill for practising community development.

In classes, we have been preparing for this exciting and challenging fieldwork experience. Not only are students learning about sustainable and community development, as well as some background information about Vietnam, but they have also been actively practising skills such as interviewing local NPO groups and community leaders, which will be important for understanding the community when we are in Vietnam.

I asked two of our students to share their thoughts about our preparation, and their hopes and expectations for the upcoming fieldwork.

"In our recent classes, we started by thinking about Globalization from various perspectives, and especially, reflecting on how a country like Vietnam has changed. We learned to be critical about ideas like 'development', and ask who gets to decide what development takes place, and who it benefits. We also had a chance to communicate with previous participants and local experts, to help us prepare. I'm looking forward to meeting Vietnamese students, community members, and also people from the United States. It will be the first time for me to use English in such a situation, but with the support of staff and others, I am hopeful that it will be a positive experience for me." (Y.Y.)

Group work with people from around the world is one of the key features of the fieldwork experience.

"As YY said, we've spent some time learning and thinking about globalization and development. However, we've also been practising practical skills such as interviewing by meeting a local NPO and speaking to local community leaders here in Hiroshima. I'm excited to travel to Vietnam this August, because I have heard from previous participants that it was a transformative experience, and as well as learning about local culture and development, I can make international friendships that will continue into the future." (R.V.)

HJU students with their many new friends in Vietnam. As RV says, GVFE is a chance to make international friendships that will last a lifetime.

Thank you so much to YY and RV for sharing their experiences. I'm looking forward to sharing our many stories when we return from Vietnam!