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【Student profile】Study Abroad First-hand Experience (生活編)

2024.05.22 留学 英語系

Studying abroad is just one of the wonderful opportunities awaiting students at HJU. YY went to the United States and, over several articles in our Department News, she will tell us her experiences first-hand. In this article she explains all about the lifestyle experience in the USA.

I studied abroad for 2 semesters at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in the United States. There were many positive experiences in my life in the States, and I wish to share as many as I can.


The food I was eating was what people probably expected, hamburger, pizza, and pasta. There were various places to buy food and eat on campus, such as a buffet, and sometimes I had lunch and dinner with friends.


One of the surprising things about being in America was that there was a big gym on campus. I tried to go to the gym at least once a week to exercise and to watch the news, and sometimes I met my classmates in the gym, which was enjoyable.


In BGSU, almost every day there were some kind of events going on, held by the university, department, and even the students. I went to many events such as sports games, lectures from outside instructors, and events for international students. The event I enjoyed the most was "お花見" Cherry Blossom festival. In the biggest ballroom on campus, many Japanese people from Ohio State, outside Ohio, and students who are interested in Japanese culture attended this event. I volunteered to make tea and dance Souranbushi, and was quite busy during the event, but I enjoyed talking to people who came to this event.

It is clear that YY had a great time in the USA and we thank her for sharing her American lifestyle experiences. We're looking forward to hearing more soon about her study abroad adventure.

次の記事Study Abroad First-hand Experience (勉強編)