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Perspectives on Peace (Fall Semester Class)

2023.11.30 授業紹介

Recently, the first instance of our online, on-demand course Perspectives on Peace, concluded. The Department of International English was very excited to offer our students a chance to work with learners from our partner universities in the Philippines and Indonesia, and through the hard work of all involved, we are happy to report that it was a success. We are also very excited to announce that the second session of this course started on December 1st, and this time, we've got even more students from around the world taking part.

Students' feedback showed that they especially valued the chance to learn about how academics, activists, educators and artists work with and for peace, enjoyed the live recorded musical performances and powerful first-hand stories, and appreciated being able to learn about different perspectives and cultures from the diverse group of students.

The highlights of the course were the final presentations given by students, which were as diverse and interesting as the classes offered by our guest lecturers. Students shared their own experiences and views on topics from martial arts and the psychology of peace to dark tourist sites.


Some of the diverse and interesting presentations given by the students

I asked one of our students here at the Department of International English, YY, who is currently studying abroad in the United States as part of an exchange program, to share her experience of the course.

"The most memorable of the students' final presentations was one given by a student from the Philippines. The university this student attends has a history of being invaded by Japanese soldiers during World War II. I was not aware of the history of the invasion of the Philippines by Japanese soldiers, so this was a new perspective for me. Most interestingly, at the end of his presentation, the student mentioned that he planned to plant hibakujimoku seeds at his university, which we learned about in this course, to remember this tragedy and to promote peace".

YY giving a presentation as part of her study abroad exchange in the United States

I was happy that this student, like others here at HJU, was able to build on their experiences of fieldwork in Vietnam, and also their current study abroad, by having a further chance to interact with people from around the world. The particular student she mentions has been setting up a new project with Green Legacy, one of our partner organisations on the Perspectives on Peace course. These kinds of developments are one of the reasons we are excited to see the many new faces when we start the course again this December. Joining students from the Department of International English, we have participants from our exchange partners in the United States, as well as many guest students from our partners in Southeast Asia. I'm looking forward to seeing them interact with each other, and to seeing what presentations they come up with at the end of the course!