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Open Campus - fun, informative and cool (inside)!

2023.07.21 オープンキャンパス

On a very hot Sunday, we held our latest Open Campus. We thank all those who braved the heat to come to our campus in Ushita. It was a very collaborative and student-led event (as you can see in the photo below) and as well as being informative, we all had a lot of fun.

First up was the head of the Department of International English who explained to high school students and parents about the different courses, classes, activities and entrance exams available to students.

This session was followed by a model class, very active and collaborative in nature, that gave our visiting high school students a feel of the atmosphere of study life at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.

Then it was time for the real experts, our students, to give some great insight into study life, chances for study abroad, and all the other opportunities in the Department of International English that have led to their growth and growing confidence in their own abilities.

After these presentations, given in English and Japanese, the visiting high school students got to know our students better with some fun English activities. They also had a chance to chat with some of our teachers in the English cafe.
(説明の後は、高校生の皆さんと在学生が楽しくお互いをより良く知り合えるよう、英語のゲームを通して交流しました。また、外国人教員と会話するEnglish cafeもオープンしました。)

That left just enough time to relax and ask a few more questions to staff and students while taking in the information from the exhibits and posters on display. We had a great day and we hope all our visitors enjoyed themselves and came to understand a little about what studying in our department is really like. The staff and students in the Department of International English look forward to seeing you all again.