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【KEG Student Profile(学生の活動紹介)】 My experience in HJU

2023.07.12 英語系

We asked one of our international students to explain a little about her first impressions of life at HJU in the Department of International English.

Hello, I'm Trang, now a 1st-year international student in the Department of International English at HJU. I'm from Vietnam and came to Japan two years and six months ago. Before I came to Japan, I was just a girl who always depended on my parents. That is why I decided to study abroad, to empower myself completely through this adventure.

But why Japan and not another country? Originally, I'm a typical Asian girl, who always feels shy and not confident, but I thought I would get used to Japanese people soon. And I did, I got on well with Japanese life. Even though I feel more free here than in my hometown in Vietnam, I also got so much help from people I hadn't known, from teachers to Japanese strangers to colleagues in part-time jobs. At first I thought I would be a normal company employee in the future but now I'm in love with Hiroshima and Hiroshima people, so I really want to do something to help other foreigners, and especially contribute to the area's development.

Because of my goals, I tried hard to study as a college student though the COVID-19 pandemic and, finally, now I'm in the International English Department of HJU.

Trang on campus with her senpai tutors and friends

It is different from Japanese language school, where I couldn't have a chance to talk to Japanese people. In HJU, I met many Japanese girls and we are studying Japanese and English together. They are willing to be my friends, though I'm pretty shy and not confident because of my Japanese. In addition, I appreciate HJU for their dedicated help, they know how worried foreign students can be in a Japanese university. So I have a department teacher as my tutor; K.Y. and R.O. as my student senpai tutors; and also the International Center. They take care of me with tutor guidance every week, always asking how I feel about studying in HJU, and checking if I have any troubles or anxiety.

A weekly guidance session with her tutor

Everything in HJU has been wonderful. The only unfortunate thing is that my 1st year has been really busy, so I couldn't join any clubs. However, I hope I can join some activities and clubs when I have time. Eventually, with all the devoted help, I feel more confident now and am really looking forward to the next four years in HJU. So I'm glad to be in HJU and hope my experience will help you.

Many thanks to Trang for sharing some insights into life as an international student at HJU.