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Friendly, fun, and collaborative Open Campus

2023.06.21 オープンキャンパス

At the weekend HJU held our June Open Campus. We were delighted to welcome high school students to our campus and to let them know a little about what they can expect from university life in the Department of International English. Our department sessions were run by our friendly, talented students and our staff gave a helping hand.

Explanation session about the Department of International English

Surrounded by departmental displays, we first heard explanations from staff about all the opportunities available in our department, and our diverse choice of entrance exams -there's one to suit any needs. These explanations were followed by a collaborative model class titled "The Wonderful World of 21st Century English". It was great to see high school students and their parents collaborating with KEG students - enjoying themselves while learning, and getting a flavor of one of our inclusive KEG classes.
(学科の説明では、本学の学びも入試選抜も、一人ひとりのニーズに合わせて選んでもらえるように制度や機会を整えていることをお伝えしました。きっとみなさんのこれまでの経験やこれからの希望に合った選択ができるはずです。続く模擬授業では、"The Wonderful World of 21st Century English"と題して、英語ネイティブ教員による授業を体験してもらいました。高校生の皆さんはもちろん、保護者も、本学学生も加わって一緒に楽しみながら21世紀の英語の面白さについて考えました。)

Collaborative demonstration class

After the demonstration class, the KEG students held lively quizzes, gave really informative talks in English about various aspects of university life in our department, and explained about their valuable experiences on our study abroad programs. From their great presentations, we could all get a feel of how students make so much progress during their time at HJU.

Student explanations about university life and study abroad experiences

Next up was the chance for our visitors to chat informally with students and staff. There was much to talk about.

Time for an informal chat with KEG students and staff

And at the end, there was still just enough time to ask any remaining questions about all the information on display.

We hope that our visitors enjoyed their day with us. We certainly enjoyed our day with them. Thank you all for coming and we look forward very much to welcoming you to HJU campus again.