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Orientation on Campus〜仲間を作ろう〜

2024.04.18 英語系

One of the early events of the year is Orientation on Campus. This is a fun-filled day organized by students - the "OriCan leaders" as we call them. They did a wonderful job, as always, on behalf of the Department of International English.

The wonderful "Orican leaders"

The aim of the day is for first-year students to get to know each other, their sempai and their teachers in an informal way. We spend the day together, do a few activities, have fun and get to know each other.

One of the activities in our gymnasium

There were lots of laughs while we played a series of different games. Teamwork was important and there was plenty of time to chat with everyone.

A game of teamwork and communication

At the end of the day we all knew each other a lot better, and had a lot of fun in the process.

We're looking forward to next year's Orientation on Campus already!