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Welcome to our new students!

2024.04.03 英語系

The Department of International English is looking forward to welcoming our new students this April. They can look forward to a comprehensive orientation program, an entrance ceremony, their first taste of classes in our department, an "Orientation on Campus" day packed with fun and games, and plenty of opportunities to make new friends among the cherry blossoms.


We are very much looking forward to meeting them all, introducing them to their sempai, and letting them know just how international the English language has become. The recent news that the Oxford English Dictionary has added 23 new Japanese words to its English dictionary may surprise some people, but it is testament to the close link between culture and language in a modern "borderless" world. Donburikaraage, katsu, onigiri and Hiroshima's very own okonomiyaki are now English words! So are takoyakitonkatsu and yakiniku. And what's more, so is omotenashi! We hope that our new students will enjoy the feeling of omotenashi in our department and enjoy learning about language, culture, and global issues over the next four years. Welcome to you all!