Overseas Activities
Students at HJU are encouraged to take advantage of a variety of overseas activities, such as Global Village Field Experience and Study Abroad.
Global Village Field Experience

Global village is an exciting, practical and multidisciplinary program designed to give students first-hand experience of issues in developing countries. GSE students travel abroad for one to four weeks. In the past Global Village sites have included: Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Thailand.
Student's Message

"Through the Global Village Field Experience I could learn not just the theory of development but see those ideas in action in Vietnam. I saw how Vietnamese people protect their water resources and environment, through interviewing and living alongside them. Also we worked with Vietnamese university students, sharing ideas and cultures. There were many topics and cultural issues that we don't encounter in Japan, so it was a good chance to learn and experience new and important things from this opportunity, I realized the importance of facing the challenge of sustainable development."
Michika, Senior
Study Abroad

HJU offers many opportunities to study abroad. These include programs that are a month, semester, or even one-year long. Tuition is waived and credits are transferred, so graduation will not be delayed.
Student's Message

"I studied at the University of Tennessee at Martin for a year. I had a great time and met many people during studying abroad. There are many kinds of classes such as boxercise, women's study, Germany, and so on. So, I could learn many things that I can't learn in Japan."
Yui, Senior