Here at HJU, there are many kinds of career support, and through various channels, students are encouraged to get both academic support and practical experience. In this second part of a series of articles, we hear from two more third-year KEG students who have recently completed their internship. HS and RS interned at Hiroshima International School (HIS). They are one of Hiroshima's oldest schools of their type and have one of the most diverse student bodies of any institution in our city.
First, I asked HS and RS to talk about why they became interested in volunteering and internships, and how this is connected to their current and future plans.
HS-I have been interested in working at an educational institution, and as I have taken classes in English in the GSE course, it was an attractive internship opportunity to work in the field of education while using English.
(元々教育機関での仕事に興味があり、GSE で英語を用いて授業をを受けている私にとって、英語を使いながら教育現場での職業体験ができるインターナショナルスクールはとても魅力的なインターンシップでした。)

HS was able to see how diverse groups manage language and other differences through mutual support. This shows how the values of an organization like HIS are put into practice.
RS-I participated in the internship because I was curious about an international school that teaches using English as the main language. The content of the lessons and the atmosphere when the children were taking the lessons were surprisingly different from when I took my compulsory education, and everything was new to me.
Since they will have been directly experiencing the ethos and work of HIS, let's hear from the interns directly!
RS-I helped with lessons such as Japanese and Music. In most Japanese schools, most students use Japanese as their first language, but at international schools, people have different mother tongues. For that reason, the teacher teaches according to the level of each student, in the same class. Through helping in the lessons, I found that students studying in various languages are doing their best to overcome language and skill barriers. In addition, students teach the things that their classmates don't understand and cooperate with each other, while the teachers give guidance tailored to each student, and I could understand the values of HIS in teaching while valuing diversity and communication.

RS was able to get hands-on experience and reflect on academic ideas in a real-world environment.
HS-I had the opportunity to take charge of an early childhood class, where the children were aged three years or younger. There were students from various backgrounds in each class, and it was a learning environment full of diversity. We provided English support to students who do not speak English as their first language and participated in role-plays in Japanese classes to assist teachers. During the break, I was able to interact with the students in various situations, such as playing dodgeball outside. As HIS classes are small-sized, students and teachers have a close relationship, and they welcome people from the outside of the school, like us. If you are interested in working globally, not just teaching English, an internship at an international school will be valuable.)
Well again, thank you to HIS for their generosity in accepting our students, and to all their staff and students, for the fantastic experiences they created for HS and RS. Thank you to the students, too, for their hard work and energies, and for taking the time to share their ideas with us.