人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース

TOEIC Tips from Current KEG Students〜 TOEICスコアアップのコツ、教えます〜

Every student has a different English level, different strengths and weaknesses, and different aims for their English. One thing we all share is the ambition to improve English step by step. As part of the KEG STARS program, we are all trying our best to improve our English, and a big part of that is working towards TOEIC scores. In this article, we hear from 3 students who have worked hard and improved their scores. They offer some interesting tips and advice on how to stay motivated and improve your scores, and what their targets are for the future.

First, we hear from H.S. I asked her a number of questions:


1. How did you study to improve your score?(スコアを伸ばすための勉強法は?)

I try to memorize English words and watch English channels on youtube so that I can connect with English on a daily basis.

2. What motivates you/ How do you plan to use English in the future?(モチベーションとなっていることは?将来どのように英語を活かしたい?)

My main motivation is my goal to work and study abroad. I want to use English not only for work but also for traveling in my free time.

3. What is your target score by the time you graduate?(大学卒業時の目標スコアは?)

I want to get a score of 900 or more, like many of my GSE seniors have done. This is especially for helping me to get a job.

4. Can you recommend one textbook/application/website...(おすすめの対策本、アプリ、ウェブサイトを教えて!)

I think that the ABCeed app is very effective for listening practice. I've been using vocabulary textbooks, too, since high school.


H.S. She improved her score from 520 to 685 in just one year!

Next, I spoke with M.T.


1. How did you study to improve your score?(スコアを伸ばすための勉強法は?)

I improved my listening skills by attending English conversation classes. Specifically for the test, I practiced the format of the TOEIC test by practicing past questions, and by taking the TOEIC classes at university. I also took a TOEIC test outside of the university.

2. What motivates you/ How do you plan to use English in the future? (モチベーションになっていることは?将来どのように英語を活かしたい?)

I want to get a job that involves using English. I also want to go on a long-term study abroad program to improve my English further.

3. What is your target score by the time you graduate?(大学卒業時の目標スコアは?)

My target score is 800-900.

4. Can you recommend one textbook/application/website...(おすすめの対策本、アプリ、ウェブサイトを教えて!)

I use a book called 'TOEIC L&R Test' (Gold) to learn vocabulary. It is convenient because I can use it easily when traveling to and from the university. I also use the book "TOEIC L&R Test 600 Questions"
(私は TOEIC L&R TEST 出る単特急 金のフレーズ を使って単語を覚えています。通学中に手軽に見れるので便利です。また私はTOEIC L&R テスト 至高の模試600問を使っています。これは本番と同じ問題数なので時間を計って取り組んでいます。)


M.T. worked very hard, and her TOEIC score jumped from 415 to 630 in a year!

Finally, we hear from M.H.


1. How did you study to improve your score?(スコアを伸ばすための勉強法は?)

I am not good at reading skills, so I focused on reading rather than listening. In addition, I emphasized vocabulary, especially phrasal verbs. The reason is that when I find a word that I do not understand, I can predict the meaning from the sentences before and after. However, with phrasal verbs, it is more difficult to predict the meanings.

2. What motivates you/ How do you plan to use English in the future?(モチベーションになっていることは?将来どのように英語を活かしたい?)

I think English will be useful for my future career. Due to globalization, English is becoming a more important skill in the workplace. I belong to the Department of International English, so I should improve my English as much as possible. I am not yet so good at English. When I get a job in the future, I do not want people to think that I cannot use English well, even though they know I graduated from an International English department. So, I wanted to get a high score that I can write on my resume.

3. What is your target score by the time you graduate?(大学卒業時の目標スコアは?)

I want to get 800 or more before I graduate. To be honest, I think it is difficult for me. However, I want to get close to the perfect score. So, I decided on this score as a target.

4. Can you recommend one textbook/application/website...(おすすめの対策本、アプリ、ウェブサイトを教えて!)

I recommend Obunsha ELT Series. When I did not get a good score, I changed to this textbook, and since then my score has been improving. So, I recommend this book.


M.H.'s score went from 380 in 2019 to 640 in 2020. Wow! All the students recommend finding an application and/or textbook that works for you!

Many thanks to these three students for their time, and for telling us about their experiences and ambitions! Look out for another article in the future, where we interview more students about their ongoing efforts to improve their TOEIC scores. Whatever your level, and whatever your ambitions, why not try some of their suggested ways to improve! Good luck to these three, and good luck to you all!

Good luck to these three, and good luck to you all!

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