人文学部 国際英語学科 ニュース










S.M. (GSE)

When I entered this college, my TOEIC score was about 430, and in the test I took this spring, I scored 635 points. Nowadays, many people take the TOEIC test, because it is used as evidence of English ability in many job applications, education institutions, and other places besides. This is very important. However, improving English skill through studying for TOEIC is more important than the score. At first, I bought textbooks for TOEIC. One is a strategy guidebook which is named "TOEICL&Rテストこれ一冊で600点は取れる". I mastered tips and points, and I studied using another textbook which official sample quizzes are written. Also, I memorized many words, and I listened to the podcast and NHK RADIO JAPAN for listening. At first, I'm not good at listening, so, I couldn't listen to the radio all. However, I was able to get used gradually. I think that having high motivation to topic is very important and as mentioned above, we can improve various English skill such as listening and reading by studying english for TOEIC. My personal targets for the future is to get 770 in toeic, also, I want to be able to use English fluently in daily life by making use of toeic study.

Y.Y. (GSE)

My previous TOEIC score was 480, from when I took the test in April/May 2018. My current best TOEIC score is 645, from when I took the test in March 2019. I don't think the score is the most important thing. I think that developing my communicative English for research, study, speaking and learning with others and for my future job is the primary goal. However, GSE students have to get a specific target score each year. For this reason, I work towards improving my score and meeting my targets. .I studied the listening part through Post-cat and "世界一わかりやすいTOEICテストの授業" (textbook). Also, I use two books, "金のフレーズ" and "文法 特急" to study for the reading part. I think you have to find a way to study that you can stick to in the medium and long term. In my personal experience, I don't like to read a long explanation, so I used three textbooks which have short explanations. I have two targets now. First, is to get 700 in TOEIC, and second is to get 650 in TOEFL. I will work hard to reach my targets. If you have any tips or suggestions, I would be happy to hear them, too!

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