2017年4月1・2日、JASPA(スクラブル日本支部)とHKSPA(Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association)が主催し、東アジア国際スクラブル大会が広島で開かれました。香港代表チーム5名、日本代表チーム5名で、2日間で一人10試合ずつしました。香港チームは、中高生と社会人を含む若い選手でしたが、国際大会の経験が豊富で、日本チームは大変苦戦しました。私にとって公式大会に出るのは生まれて初めてで、英単語を作る以前に、公式ルールや公式ボードを使ったプレイの仕方など、たくさん学ぶ事がありました。
国際教養学科4年 中島美幸
The first East Asian Scrabble Competition took place at the Hiroshima Campus of Hiroshima International University on the weekend of April 1st and 2nd 2017. Two teams competing in the Championship were five members of the Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association (HKSPA) and five of the Japan Scrabble Association (JASPA). Although the Japanese team lost the overall competition to a very young but highly-skilled and talented Hong Kong team, Miyuki Nakashima of Hiroshima Jogakuin University was one of the members representing Japan and is to be congratulated on her effort in doing well at the competition, especially as this was her first time competing and she only started learning the competition rules two months ago!
What is Scrabble?
Scrabble is a fun English word game in which you make words from random letters and place them on a board to score points. It is a great way to build your vocabulary and will also help improve your TOEIC score. If you are interested in learning to play Scrabble, please contact Tim Wilson twilson@gaines.hju.ac.jp for more information.
国際教養学科 Timothy J. Wilson 先生